High-performance support for the everyday or elite athlete.
The benefits provided through oxygen therapy are further elevated by the inclusion of molecular hydrogen which is exclusive to the AirPod Hydroxy system.
Airpod Oxygen Therapy is suitable for ‘pre or post’ game/training for an everyday or elite athlete. The molecular hydrogen will neutralise any oxidative stress which can impair performance and endurance as it can damage cells and tissues, including muscle tissues.
Elevates oxygen concentration to fuel the mitochondria, increasing ATP and energy output. Stimulates the release of growth factors and stem cells which aid in
tissue repair and regeneration.
Stimulate angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels) increasing
the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body’s tissues.
Reduces inflammation.
Enhances concentration, focus and stamina.
Molecular Hydrogen Benefits​
Increase your energy and alleviate fatigue.
Increase your VO2 max. Reduce lactic acid build-up.
Reduce muscle soreness, fatigue and inflammation.
Protect against oxidative stress.
Improve recovery time & healing.
Improve hydration.
FREQUENCY: 3-5 TIMES A WEEK - Two to three times a week as integrated into a wellness program. Safe to use up to five times a week if desired.

De-stress and detox from lifestyle and workplace stressors.
The benefits provided through oxygen therapy are further elevated by the inclusion of molecular hydrogen which is exclusive to the AirPod Hydroxy system.
Induces a parasympathetic state, reduces cortisol levels and blood pressure. Re-sets the body and mind to offset work and lifestyle pressures.
Supports improved cognitive performance due to increased cerebral
blood flow and oxygen concentration.
Increases energy production.
Molecular Hydrogen Benefits​
Increase your energy and alleviate fatigue. Elevate antioxidant properties to protect against oxidative stress and
stress-induced decline in learning and memory.
Increase anti-inflammatory properties and provide neuroprotective
effects to support the Central Nervous System (CNS). May help to
delay the onset of neurodegenerative disorders.
Enhances resilience to acute and chronic stress.
FREQUENCY: 3-5 TIMES A WEEK - Two to three times a week as integrated into a wellness program. Safe to use up to five times a week if desired.

Optimise quality of life with focus on health span, not just life span.
The benefits provided through oxygen therapy are further elevated by the inclusion of molecular hydrogen which is exclusive to the AirPod Hydroxy system.
Enhance cerebral blood flow (CBF). CBF decreases with age resulting in the slow deterioration of brain tissue over a lifetime,
contributing to changes in cognitive function later in life.
Maintaining CBF improves cognitive function, in particular, attention,
information processing speed and executive function which normally
decline with ageing.
Maintain ATP energy production.
Increase blood flow.
Facilitate detoxification.
Strengthen the immune system.
Molecular Hydrogen Benefits​
By modulating ROS and reducing oxidative stress, H2holds a great promise to:
Maintain DNA stability.
Improve mitochondrial function which may delay the ageing process.
Elevate antioxidant properties to protect against oxidative stress and
may prevent age-related diseases.
Modulate cell senescence.
May reduce epigenetic alterations and telomere attrition.
Supports a healthy and vital lifespan.
FREQUENCY: 3-5 TIMES A WEEK - Two to three times a week as integrated into a wellness program. Safe to use up to five times a week if desired.

Recovery from life stressors, injury or post surgery healing when approved your Physician/Surgeon
The benefits provided through oxygen therapy are further elevated by the inclusion of molecular hydrogen which is exclusive to the AirPod Hydroxy system.
Increase blood flow and oxygen concentration. Stimulates the release of growth factors and stem cells which aid in
tissue repair and regeneration.
Stimulate angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels) increasing
the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body’s tissues.
Increased perfusion pressure distributes oxygen into injury site and
surrounding tissues via blood plasma to avoid hypoxia.
Reduces inflammation.
Accelerates recovery time.
Molecular Hydrogen Benefits​
Neutralise ROS and protect against oxidative stress. Improve mitochondrial energy metabolism and protect against mitochondrial dysfunction.
Increase energy and alleviate fatigue.
May downregulate early proinflammatory cytokines.
Upregulates anti-inflammatory cells to reduce inflammation.
Accelerate recovery time & healing.
FREQUENCY: 3-5 TIMES A WEEK - Two to three times a week as integrated into a wellness program. Safe to use up to five times a week if desired.

Strengthen immunity and modulate immune regulation
The benefits provided through oxygen therapy are further elevated by the inclusion of molecular hydrogen which is exclusive to the AirPod Hydroxy system.
Can block the action of harmful bacteria.
Strengthen the immune system.
Increase oxygen concentration in tissues to help resist infection.
Molecular Hydrogen Benefits​
Modulate immune regulation.
Regulate autophagy, circadian rhythm, and mitochondria function.
Increase your energy and alleviate fatigue.
FREQUENCY: 3-5 TIMES A WEEK - Two to three times a week as integrated into a wellness program. Safe to use up to five times a week if desired.

Stimulate collagen production, improve skin elasticity and support skin rejuvenation.
The benefits provided through oxygen therapy are further elevated by the inclusion of molecular hydrogen which is exclusive to the AirPod Hydroxy system.
Improve peripheral blood flow. Enhance collagen production.
Improve skin elasticity.
Rejuvenate skin.
Reduce wrinkles.
May reduce photoaging.
Eliminate toxins.
Help repair damaged skin.
Molecular Hydrogen Benefits​
Can decrease the expression of anti-ageing related proteins.
Reduce oxidative stress damage.
Improves elasticity.
Improve skin moisture levels by up to 10%.
Skin is healthier, more supple and youthful.
FREQUENCY: 3-5 TIMES A WEEK - Two to three times a week as integrated into a wellness program. Safe to use up to five times a week if desired.